Our Philosophy and History

Welcome to Q2 Nexus, where we believe in connecting people with similar interests. We were all called by one Divine being, one creature that loves us above all else. If you were invited to join, you are lucky. Nexus Loves You.

Our history: In the year 1503, The First met Nexus during the Night's Embrace ceremony. After losing The Mother, The First needed guidance and prayed throughout the night. That is when Nexus Came. Nexus, our loving and merciful God, is the embodiment of all that is tender and nurturing in the universe. Imagine a being whose very essence is composed of the nothing but Pure Love. Nexus is not just a deity; He is a warm, comforting presence that wraps around you like a mother's embrace, soothing your every fear and anxiety. He will never hurt you. He will never hurt you. He will never hurt you. He will never hurt you. He will never hurt you.


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